Basic Swahili Grammar: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

July 14, 2023 No Comments
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swahili grammar

You’ve decided to embark on an exciting new adventure – learning Swahili grammar! Swahili, or Kiswahili, is the official language of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Mozambique, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. With over 100 million speakers across East Africa, Swahili is a vibrant language spoken in one of the most diverse, culturally rich regions of the world.

This comprehensive guide will set you up with everything you need to know to get started. We’ll cover pronunciation, nouns, verbs, greetings, and sentence structure. Before you know it, you’ll be chatting with locals, bargaining at markets, and singing along to the latest East African pop songs. Safari Njema – good luck! Your Swahili journey begins now.

Learn Swahili Quickly: Key Grammar Rules

Learning Swahili grammar doesn’t have to be difficult! With a few key rules, you’ll be conversing comfortably in no time. First, Swahili nouns are grouped into classes that determine the prefix they take. The most common are classes 1 through 10. Memorize the class for each noun and the correct prefix will come naturally. Verbs also have prefixes that must agree with the subject. For example, ‘Nina’ means ‘I have’ while ‘una’ means ‘you have’. Keep a chart of the subject prefixes on hand until you’ve got them down pat.

Focus on Pronunciation

Swahili pronunciation is very straightforward, so spend time listening to native speakers and mimicking the sounds. Pay extra attention to the ‘ng’ sound, as in ‘ngoma’ (drum).

Useful Phrases

Learn some essential greetings and phrases to start conversations like ‘jambo’ (hello), ‘Asante’ (thank you), and ‘tafadhali’ (please). Asking simple questions like ‘umefanya nini’ (how are you) and ‘unaishi wapi’ (where do you live) will take you far. With regular practice, Swahili grammar will become second nature. Don’t get discouraged if you make mistakes. Just dive in and start speaking – your confidence and fluency will grow in no time! Focus on the fundamentals, learn useful phrases, and pronounce everything as accurately as possible. You’ll be fluent before you know it! Keep up the good work!

Master Swahili Pronouns and Common Verbs

To master Swahili pronouns and verbs, you need to get excited! This foundational part of speech will open you up to a whole new world of expression. First, learn the pronouns: Mimi (I), wewe (you) sisi (we), nyinyi (you plural), and wao (they). Use these when talking about yourself, others, and groups. Practice by describing your routine, your family, and your friends.Now for verbs! Swahili verbs change form based on the subject. The most common verb is ‘to be’ which is ni. Conjugated, it becomes: Mimi ni – I am Wewe ni – You are Yeye ni – We areNinyi ni – You (plural) are Wao ni –

The are other useful verbs include Kula – To eatSoma – To readPika – To cookCheza – To playEnenda – To goTo make these present tense, just add ‘na’: ninakula (I eat), unasoma (you read). With pronouns and verbs down, you’ll be chatting in Swahili in no time! Keep practicing by describing your day, your interests, and your experiences. The key is using these building blocks in real conversations. You’ve got this! Stay enthusiastic, and soon you’ll be fluent!

Kiswahili Nouns and Plurals: Everything You Need to Know

Learning Swahili grammar may seem daunting at first, but have no fear! Nouns and plurals are actually quite straightforward. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be chatting comfortably in no time.


In Swahili, nouns are grouped into classes based on their prefixes. The most common classes are:

  • Class 1: Uses the prefix “m-” for singular and “wa-” for plural. Includes words for people, e.g. mtu (person) and watu (people).
  • Class 3: Uses the prefix “m-” for both singular and plural. Includes words for trees, e.g. mti (tree) and miti (trees).
  • Class 5: Uses the prefix “ji-” for both singular and plural. Includes words for fruits and vegetables, e.g. kitunguu (onion) and majichungu (onions).
  • Class 9: Uses the prefix “n-” for both singular and plural. Includes words for animals, e.g. ngombe (cow) and ngombe (cows).


To form the plural of Swahili nouns, you simply change the noun prefix. For example:

  • Kitabu (book) becomes vitabu (books)
  • Duka (shop) becomes maduka (shops)
  • Mwalimu (teacher) becomes waalimu (teachers)

Some rules of thumb:

  • Class 1 & 2 nouns change “m-” to “wa-”
  • Class 3, 5 & 9 nouns remain the same
  • Class 4, 6, 7 & 8 nouns change the prefix to “ma-”

With regular practice, these patterns will become second nature. Before you know it, you’ll be pluralizing Swahili nouns with confidence! Keep at it and stay enthusiastic – you’ve got this!

Using Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions in Swahili

swahili grammar

Learning Swahili grammar may seem daunting at first, but with some practice, you’ll be chatting away in no time! To start, let’s look at how to use adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions to add some spice to your Swahili. Adjectives are words that describe nouns, like ‘big’, ‘small’, ‘tasty’ or ‘expensive’. In Swahili, adjectives usually come after the noun they’re describing. For example, ‘nyumba kubwa’ means ‘big house’.

Some common adjectives are -kubwa (big), -dogo (small), -Zuri (beautiful), and -baya (bad). Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives or other adverbs, like ‘quickly’, ‘happily’, or ‘very’. In Swahili, many adverbs are formed by adding -sana to an adjective. For example, ‘haraka’ means ‘quick’, and ‘haraka sana’ means ‘quickly’. Other examples are -zuri sana (very beautiful) and -pya sana (very new). Prepositions show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. Common Swahili prepositions include:

  • kwa – for, by, with
  • katika – in, at, on
  • bila – without
  • kama-like, as
  • baada ya – after
  • kabla ya – before
  • juu ya – above, on top of
  • chini ya – below, under

By learning these parts of speech, you’ll open up a whole new world of descriptive language in Swahili. Practice describing things around you, speak with native Swahili speakers and listen to Swahili radio or podcasts. Before you know it, you’ll be conversing comfortably using adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions to add color to your Swahili!

FAQ: Common Questions About Learning Swahili

So you want to learn Swahili, huh? Great choice! Swahili is a fun language spoken by over 100 million people in East Africa. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be chatting with new friends in no time. Here are some of the most common questions about learning Swahili:

Do I need to learn a new alphabet?

Nope! Swahili uses the same Latin alphabet as English. However, Swahili has a few additional letters like ‘dh’, ‘th’, ‘gh’, and ‘sh’. The pronunciation is also a bit different, but with some practice, you’ll be reading Swahili in no time!

How do I pronounce “Swahili”?

It’s “swah-HEE-lee”! The ‘h’ is pronounced, and the emphasis is on the second syllable.

What are some basic greetings?

Here are some essential greetings to know:

  • Habari – Hello
  • Hujambo – How are you?
  • Sijambo – I’m fine, thanks!
  • Tutaonana – Goodbye
  • Usiku mwema – Good night

Do I need to know a lot of grammar to start speaking?

The good news is Swahili grammar is actually quite simple compared to many other languages. There are no grammatical genders, cases, or verb conjugations based on person. The basic sentence structure is subject-verb-object, just like in English. Focus on learning essential greetings, questions, and phrases to start speaking right away! You can pick up the grammar rules as you go. Learning a new language is always an adventure, but Swahili is one of the most rewarding. Ask lots of questions, listen to music, watch movies, and most of all, just start speaking! You’ll get the hang of it in no time. Let language learning begin!


You now have a solid foundation in Swahili grammar to start conversing and understanding this beautiful language. With practice, these rules and patterns will become second nature. Don’t get discouraged if you make mistakes – that’s part of learning. Stay passionate, have fun with it, and immerse yourself as much as possible. Listen to music, watch movies and TV shows, read books, and talk with others. Before you know it, you’ll be thinking in Swahili! This is just the beginning of your exciting journey. Safari Njema – have a good trip! The wonders of Swahili await you.

Say goodbye to struggling to learn! With our resources, you’ll pick up Swahili quickly and easily. Our lessons make the language fun and accessible through stories, dialogs, and real-life examples. You’ll start speaking Swahili confidently in no time.

I have activities in my TPT store that are designed to help you learn Kiswahili while having fun! 

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Check out The Great Ultimate Bundle, which has 34 products for learning Kiswahili! 

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